May 21, 2007 21:48
So, I got a weird phone call today. From Crystal Springs Equestrian Center. Asking if I was still interested in mucking stalls for a living.
I called them about that job like, a year and a half ago or something. Seriously weird.
Other than that, I went to a temp agency interview and set up another two. Tomorrow I go to BeginRight and check out the stall mucking, and go to Three Friends like I neglected to do today. Wednesday I have an interview with ManPower.
This whole "treat jobhunting as your job" thing really works. I jobhunt from waking up to like, five, and then I'm done for the day. I like it.
Sarah and I had a grand day at Saturday Market on Sunday. I am the proud owner of two new sarongs (one is blue and white and work-appropriate; the other is yellow and black with weed leaves all over it and decidedly not), a pretty Indian ring with a maroon stone, and a cuff bracelet made out of a Sapporo can. I feel quite satisfied. We also got incense and had sausage things and potatoes for lunch to overly loud folk music. It was a good day.
And now I'm drinking tea in a coffee shop. Yep, a completely pointless entry about my life.
a day in the life