May 19, 2007 14:55
I'm stealing internet at my house!
Also, I fit into pants I haven't fit into since sophomore year. ::does a booty dance:: However, my bum is covered in weird little blackheads, and I'm really not into that. They don't hurt or anything, but it looks like I've contracted some strange and questionable disease. I think it's from the prolonged pressure of a bicycle seat. Sorry for the random TMI.
Another day of stuff I wanted to do not getting done. I didn't go paint the sunflower, even though that sounded hella fun. I didn't go down to Saturday Market *or* Apple Music, though I still could. I haven't sent any resumes to any craigslist postings, though again, I still could, I just have no motivation. It's Saturday, I'm allowed.
I'm really having fun not thinking about how badly I need a job. REI starts their interview process tomorrow and I haven't got a call from them, so I don't think that's gonna happen. Which sucks. Like, you have no idea.
NorthStar, Papaccino's, Big Town Hero, OSPIRG... yeah, I'm kinda climbing down the ladder, aren't I? Mum thinks I keep getting crappier and crappier jobs because each time I lose a job my self esteem about my work plummets, so I don't go after the better jobs. There's really probably a lot of truth to that hypothesis. I feel like I have no marketable job skills - at least, none that will get me jobs I want, or that other people applying for the same jobs won't have in far more abundance than I. And I have the disadvantage of having had four jobs in the past year and long stretches of unemployment on my resume, which sends up all kinds of red flags to employers.
I went past Big Town Hero the other day and they had a "now hiring" sign in their window. I would love to not have to go back there. I repeat: I would HATE to go back there. That would be just such a huge blow to my confidence. I could go back to Papaccino's, but Big Town Hero... no. That's just not a job you go back to - you're supposed to only go up from there.
It's mean to say, but I REALLY REALLY hope someone quits or gets fired at Papaccino's. I could go back to Papaccino's because it's a step higher than Big Town Hero. Big Town Hero and OSPIRG are pretty much on the same level of crappiness, but I went back to Papaccino's the other day and it still felt like home. I'm ready to forget all about Big Town Hero and OSPIRG and just pretend I never got fired from Papaccino's.
On Monday I'm gonna call my temp agencies (BeginRight, Manpower, Employment Trends, and Emerald Staffing) and see what they have, if anything. And from then I'm calling them EVERY MORNING. I don't care if I bug them to death, I'm calling them EVERY MORNING and sounding as pathetic as I can so that they give me a damned job just to get me off their porch.
... God dammit.
::sigh:: And on that note, I should go do some of that stuff I meant to do. The stolen internet I got is fucking up.
in other news,