
Jun 08, 2007 10:59

I don't know what this headache is from- lack of sleep or the beer I had last night- but I sincerely wish it would move along already.

Cannot focus at all today... Maybe when I eat lunch I'll feel more alive. *stares at the plates sitting next to her right now* Bleh. I just have to keep mumbling "Chris comes tonight" over and over again, and I'll manage to live through the next six hours.

Maybe more later... I need to get into serious work mode, and actually accomplish some stuff. >.< No matter how much my head hurts.

Update as of 12:11 - Chris has left already! X3 I'll get out of work and be back at the Palace by 5:30, and he won't be far behind me. Squee.

1:38- Today's lab image of the day is my work area. And this is neat for me.

Basically, this is where I'm sitting if the journal entry has the location "Connell Lab".
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