Is Twitter down for everyone, or just me? It's back, as if I need more distractions.
In other news, if you want to make a lasagna instead of coming to my house, here's what I do.
2 cans artichoke hearts in water (chopped fine)
16 oz frozen chopped organic spinach (boiled and pressed to get water out)
1 lb of farmer's cheese
1 lb of cottage
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Reading your lasagna recipe made me hungry (at 10.20pm). *_* #forbiddenfoods
Mmmm. Lasagna. Not forbidden if you eat small portions! But probably not good to eat at 10:20 at night. True.
No one's supervising, I'm all on my own. I've read a lot (actually, I'm still reading a lot) about food/nutrition etc. and - apart from working out in various ways every day - do and eat what feels 'right'.
I find nutrition stuff fascinating. I've been reading for years. I think it's the right approach, to do what feels right and makes sense for you. DH and I don't eat the same way, but I think it's working for us. He eats a lot more meat than I do.
It's very fascinating. I rarely eat meat (although I love it), for me it's mostly veggies/fruit/fish/etc. these days, though. I'm just glad I like eating clean and healthy so much. The really hard thing is not to give in to the temptation of eating 'forbidden foods'. /0\
Eating clean/healthy really does feel so good. I think cheating is ok, as long as it's really cheating very small/not often. You are so good to exercise! I hate exercising.
I definitely feel better. My knees thank me every day:D
BFF's birthday is in about 3 weeks, I'm SO looking forward to an entire weekend of cheating (there'll be cake and mousse au chocolat! *drools* I'll also pack my running shoes tho). :D Otherwise I'm super strict and keep the cheating to an absolute minimum.
I really only started exercising properly this May. By now it's part of my daily routine and I get cranky when I don't get out for a walk or miss a workout.
For me it's my back, years of constant back pain are over. It's like I'm a new person and it's AWESOME! :D
It sounds like you are actually cheating really sensibly.
OMG, how awesome is it to have mobility back? YAY!
If you can call 'about once a month' really sensible? IDK, when summer was still in full swing I went out for a long walk and had one scoop of ice cream on my way back home - I felt so guilty about cheating (the first time in over 6 weeks) that I took a detour, just to make up for the intake of a few harmless extra calories. :P
It's usually just easier for me to not cheat at all. #Ifailatcheating
And yeah, I can see that. I find that it's easier to cheat when I'm away and try to be strict at home.
Definitely. Cue me looking forward to a weekend away from home, cheating all day(s) long. \0/ (LOL, in actuality I won't cheat that much, I'll eat a piece of birthday cake, some mousse au chocolat and maybe bread for breakfast, otherwise the food'll be slightly different from home but not of the 'forbidden' variety. We've also planned various hikes, so I think overall I'm good :P).
Can I ask what motivated you to start losing weight? For me, it was that I was gaining weight and my knees were really starting to bother me. Plus, my eyes were going. I need reading glasses. Getting old sucks. :P
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