I have written a Star Trek drabble

May 20, 2013 18:28

Uh, anyone want to beta a Star Trek drabble(ish). It's just under 200 words. Dark theme, but not graphic. Probably spoilers for Into Darkness, so if you haven't seen it, best not to read.

Looks around.  Anyone? :D  It's not my usual fare, although to be honest, I haven't written anything fluffy in ages.  Found! Thanks
likeadeuce !

I have a bunch of recs I should post while I'm here.

cecilegrey did an amazing rec post of Merlin fics that are episode related through S3. It's not comprehensive, but it's impressive.

There is a Star Trek Woman Centric Drabble comment fest going on at where_no_woman .

I think there was something else I was thinking I should mention, but it's gone now.  Going to go sew for a bit.

ETA: spoilers in comments on LJ. Also, maybe in summary of fic in next entry. Sorry!

This entry was originally posted at http://jelazakazone.dreamwidth.org/724241.html. Feel free to comment here or there.

fanfic, request, merlin, star trek, recs, fest

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