Where I've been, where I'm going

May 20, 2013 12:11

Family meeting took up most of the day (argh)
grocery store
kids had birthday parties (one here, one at a friend's).

took DD2 to sunday school
hit fabric store and grocery store (for forgotten items)
cleaned bathroom
dealt with some of the laundry
washed and ironed 10.5 yards of fabric
made meatloaf

cleaned up in kitchen
made lasagna
fretted about inability to do anything creative
tidied desk (still can't find missing strips of fabric, ARGH).

To do:
pick up kids
supervise violin lessons
do a bunch of sewing (ie, finish two little quilts)

I have a busy day tomorrow (movie with friend and then quilting obligations in the evening), but the rest of the week I'm trying to keep relatively clear so I can hopefully really focus on writing and quilting this week. Need to record some more podfics too. Dr appointment on Friday (:P).

I saw Star Trek Into Darkness on Friday. I really liked it. I wanted to leave to go pee half way through but was too afraid I'd miss something. I was glad I stayed.

Things I really loved:
Chekov is still fucking adorable.
Scotty, drinking in the bar with the alien was awesome
All the nods to TOS.

I think Chris Pines plays an excellent new!updated!Kirk. I am not as thrilled with Pinto, but part of that is probably because Nimoy is Spock for me. Not sure why the same doesn't hold for Shatner.

I loved Uhura in this. Loved the scene where Kirk and Uhura are talking in the elevator about fighting with Spock. LOL. That'd be me and dh.

Things I didn't like so much:
You know, Benedict Cumberbatch as Khan didn't work for me so well. I didn't like most of his action scenes and I was just kind of meh about him when he was going nuts. BC embodies Sherlock Holmes (apparently) for me and I just couldn't buy his emotional scenes.

Would have liked to have seen Uhura being much more fierce when encountering the Klingons. I was glad they did the scene at all though.

Ok, so the stuff that irritated me the most were the nods to Wrath of Khan that I just couldn't remember. I had no idea this movie was essentially a remix of WoK and I would have boned up a little had I known. I was so glad I didn't know BC was going to be Khan, but I did see the movie 30 years ago and so, you know.

And also, why the hell were the women all wearing these short skirts? TOS was awful in its sexism and I don't think the reboot universe needs to carry that over (see also, scene with Kirk with two random with big tails (WTF was that even?).

Here, have a pretty picture of Arthur and Merlin.


Also, I am starting to feel panicked that I haven't written anything fictional or completed any quilts in 2 weeks. How does one proceed from this point? I mean, I have three bases. I just don't know how to get what is in my head onto the quilts. As for stories, I have one started, but no clue where to go. I just need to sit and write, don't I? No magic answer, I'm afraid.  Oh, people might be interested in this article on saying No as a way to being successful with one's creativity.

This entry was originally posted at http://jelazakazone.dreamwidth.org/724212.html. Feel free to comment here or there.

merlin, meta, ta da list, movies, creativity, arthur, to do, star trek

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