Fic: A Rational Realization

May 20, 2013 19:38

Title: A Rational Realization
Fandom: Star Trek Reboot (Into Darkness)
Pairings/characters: Khan
Rating: PG13(?)
Word Count: ~200
Content notes: Graphic violence
Summary: Khan has a revelation
Disclaimer: I do not own these characters and am not intending to profit from them
Author’s notes:
likeadeuce  and I were talking about ST Into Darkness and we started talking about Khan’s peculiarities. I had a question and thus, a need to write fanfic was born:D She was kind enough to beta as well.

Heart racing, Khan looks into the man’s eyes, savoring this new experience, the feel of warm flesh under his fingers. He is giddy with the pleasure of contact, of closeness. He licks his lips; his mouth has dried in anticipation.

Khan squeezes, focusing all his strength into his arms, through his palms, crushing the skull between his hands. He swears he can feel the essence of the man dissipate, like a soap bubble floating high into the sky, until it pops, the air around too feeble to support it any longer.

The anger that had been driving through Khan’s blood evaporates. He realizes he is now aroused and tingling from this primal act. He and his crew were supposed to have been superior beings. He thinks he, at the very least, must not be, to have committed such a heinous deed.

Uneasiness and excitement swirl in his loins. Khan reconsiders his position: if he is superior, maybe sometimes death at his hands is necessary and in that case, it must always literally be at his hands.

This entry was originally posted at Feel free to comment here or there.

drabble, fanfic, writing, star trek

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