Pizza recipe

Nov 24, 2012 18:25

millionstar asked for my pizza recipe.  Here it is.  We get eight small pizzas with this dough.  Not sure how much sauce this is, because I quadrupled it so we could have some to freeze:)


6-10 cloves garlic           1/2 t oregano                
  extra virgin olive oil         1/4 t fennel                 
  14 oz can diced tomatoes    1/4 t toasted onion powder
  6 oz can tomato paste       1/2 t basil                  
  1/4 t thyme                 salt

Crush garlic and fry in a small amount of extra virgin olive oil.
  When garlic is done, add diced tomatoes and tomato paste.  Add
  thyme, oregano, fennel, and toasted onion powder.  Simmer, stirring
  occasionally and adding water as needed for up to two hours.
  Shortly before it is done, add basil and salt.


Soaker:                               Biga:
    6 oz whole wheat flour        16 oz flour
    10 oz oats                         1/2 tsp instant yeast
    2 tsp kosher salt                 1 3/4 cup water, 70 degrees
    1 3/4 cup water

Final dough:
    4 oz whole wheat flour
    2.5 tsp kosher salt
    1 T instant yeast
    1.5 tablespoons honey
    1/4 cup olive oil

For soaker, mix together ingredients until flour is hydrated and
  ingredients form a ball.  Cover and leave at room temperature 12-24
  hours.  (It can be kept 3 days in the fridge; get it out 2 hours
  before beginning.)

For biga, mix together all ingredients and knead until flour is
  hydrated and dough is smooth and tacky.  Cover and refrigerate at
  least 8 hours or up to 3 days.

Two hours before beginning, get the biga out of the fridge to allow it
  to warm.  Chop soaker and biga up into pieces and mix together with
  the final dough ingredients.  Knead about 5 minutes to get a soft,
  slightly sticky dough.  Allow dough to rest 5 minutes, then knead one
  additional minute.  Dough should be soft, supple, and very tacky, and
  it should pass the windowpane test.

Divide dough into pieces for each pizza, shape into a tight balls,
  coat with oil, place on an oiled sheet pan, and cover.  Dough will be
  ready to use in one hour.  It can be stored in the fridge 24 hours.


Preheat pizza stone as hot as possible for one hour.  Bake pizzas for
  about 5 minutes.  Allow pizza to cool 3-5 minutes before cutting.
  Let pizza stone reheat for 15 minutes between bakings.

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food, recipe

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