Mordred and a list

Nov 24, 2012 15:56

cecilegrey wrote a brilliant fic about Mordred healing Gwen, Under the Right Circumstances.  It's 1900 words and just, omg, I am full of flails over it.   Go read it.  NOW.

In other news, I have done hair cuts (dh cuts mine, I cut his), cleaned the bathroom, got two loads of laundry in the washer and dryer, gone to the fabric store (so I can now make an infinite number of little quilts -- next up is an octopus, because I had an inspiration about which fabric to use while dh was cutting my hair) and I also made it to an out of the way grocery store for a couple items.  Plus we did family meeting.  I'm feeling much better, can you tell?

I'm going to pay a couple bills and then go play with fabric, I think.

Hope everyone is having a lovely Saturday.  I am!

ETA: Just so you all know, if anyone is tired of my incessant blather, feel free to unfriend. Every day is amnesty day here:D I won't take offense.

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mordred, life, fic, merlin, update, recs, ta da list

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