A fine day

Nov 22, 2012 18:55

We just watched Star Wars. The girls were not initially convinced, but they were completely riveted by the end. So, the education continues:D

Oh, I noticed some parallels. Those who believe in The Force are ridiculed by those in power for believing in The Old Religion. I had to raise my eyebrows at that one. The cloak reminded me of the Pendragon cloak. I suppose the old man in role of mentor is long standing. I did have to wonder how much influence The Star Wars movies had on TPTB of Merlin though.

gealach_ros , as usual, has the scoop on all things Merlin and posted this picture of Alexander Vlahos. *thud* *drool*

This entry was originally posted at http://jelazakazone.dreamwidth.org/626997.html. Feel free to comment here or there.

movies, alexander vlahos, thanksgiving

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