
Nov 22, 2012 09:29

I want to start by saying THANK YOU to everyone who I interact with here.  You have all enriched my life immeasurably.  <3 <3 <3

I have complicated feelings around Thanksgiving, but I do love the idea that we stop and think about what we are grateful for.  My family makes pizza and watches a movie on Thanksgiving.  I have to get started on that soon, in fact.  But it's a very low key day for us and we have fun doing it.

DH is still sick, unfortunately.  He is looking a little perkier at the moment, but we'll see what happens as the day wears on.

To do list for today:
make pizza
watch Star Wars (A New Hope which will always be the first movie to me)
cut up fabric
beta read for a couple people
clean up kitchen
do a load of laundry

Look at how little that list is.

obliqueo was asking if there is a central spot for Mordred fans.  I haven't found one, but I seem to be meeting my own needs with regards to Mordred (if meeting my own needs can mean obsessively writing about him:)).  I know we' ve talked about this before, but maybe something has come up in the meantime?

Hope you all have a lovely day, whatever it is you are doing.

This entry was originally posted at Feel free to comment here or there.

mordred, life, thanksgiving, to do, update

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