I hit the wall

Nov 23, 2012 09:40

I think I've hit the wall.  I am feeling quite dizzy this morning and just want to hole up in bed and not do anything.  We had putative plans to walk down the street to the craft fair, but I don't feel like dealing with it.  I also wanted to go to the fabric store for supplies, but urgh.  My period started yesterday, so this might be part of the problem.  I'm highly drugged this morning.  Maybe after my morning cup of tea kicks in I'll feel better.  I woke up at 6, took meds, went back to sleep and got up at 8.  I've only just recently eaten.

I had a lovely list of things to do yesterday and didn't do most of it.  I got to beta read, made pizzas, and watched Star Wars.  I started laundry, but still have to fold it.   Did nothing crafty.

So, for all of you wondering how I get so much done?  Here's the answer.  It's not sustainable.

I hope all of you are having a lovely day.

Oh, I have a fanart rec. So That's How You Like It.  Summary: In which Arthur and Merlin blatantly ignore the unwritten 'no sexual intercourse in the library' rule. (Rated T, but I'd rate it M, personally).

So, yeah. That's me today.  We'll see if I manage to peel myself out of bed.  *crosses fingers and hopes for tea to be the answer*

This entry was originally posted at http://jelazakazone.dreamwidth.org/627324.html. Feel free to comment here or there.

life, update, fanart, recs

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