I posted a picture of a little quilt I did the other day and I was talking with dh about the whole thing and how I've been inspired to do a series of quilts based on the Kubler-Ross model of grief (five stages: denial, anger, depression, negotiation, acceptance). I am planning to do them based on a Carribean/tropical theme (like anger is going to be this spiny sea urchin that has a red red red body and long black scary spines). DH was not dismissive of this idea, but he didn't get it. At all. To be fair, he often doesn't get my quilts and it hasn't stopped me yet. But I'm really excited about this idea of healing quilts and I haven't been this excited about something since, oh, I got into Merlin fandom and before that who knows how long.
So, does that just seem to weird to people, to do a series of healing quilts with tropical theme? I know that it's kind of abstract, but these things are usually displayed with some kind of explanation, so it's not like people would be guessing. And hopefully they'd be pretty/interesting to look at all on their own too.
Also, this is a check in post.
On my must do list today: run to grocery store, return library books, fill up gas can for mower, fill up car, mow, cook chicken wings for guests. What I really want to do? None of that. I want to SEW!
ETA: DH does not think I shouldn't make these quilts. He just doesn't understand. I just asked him about it and he thinks I should make whatever quilts I want, but if I start talking about needing to use gold impregnated fabric, then he might feel the need to chat with me... :D
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http://jelazakazone.dreamwidth.org/613969.html. Feel free to comment here or there.