I woke up to see Alex and Colin staring back at me before the sleep had even cleared from eyes. BUZZZZZ. What a great way to wake up. Then I hustled to get the kids out early so we could spray their hair with color for wacky hair day and still be on time to school. I wrote almost 800 words between Merlin Holidays and the new Gwaine fic I just wrote. I finished the tree (put the fast finish triangles on the back) and started a new mini quilt. I cleaned up in the kitchen and took my neighbor to the metro. It turns out I sewed my three layers together in the wrong order, so I have to undo that. Oh, and I booked a place for us to stay in NYC when we go in November. Good day. And I'm going dancing tonight. EEEEEE:D
Any news you want to share? Anyone need to check in?
ETA: I got the
new FUN album and I love it. I've been playing Some Nights so loud. I want to make a Merlin vid to it. I keep getting ideas for scenes. I just need to figure out how to make vids. *facepalm*
This entry was originally posted at
http://jelazakazone.dreamwidth.org/613737.html. Feel free to comment here or there.