Uh, mia I guess

May 18, 2012 09:43

I am not sure what I've been up to the last week. I feel like all I've done is laundry and cooking and cleaning! I haven't written any fic to speak of (about 300 words) and I've hardly done any sewing (although I did iron a bunch of new fabric, yay new fabric:)).

neyah444  asked what happened with the birds. I think I mentioned on Monday that I had taken them to someone else who was delivering them to a farm on Monday. It was lovely having the birdies here, although I have a suspicion I might be a little allergic to them. I've updated the bird hatching album, so you can see more duck and chicken pictures. We are looking forward to doing it again next year:) Here is one of my favorite pictures.

I've started a comm, merlinreference, for creative entries to a pseudo dictionary. We are having lots of fun. You should come and join, if only to see the gorgeous pictures/videos/gifs before the entries go live. We need all types, so come on over. It's closed, but if you request to join, I will add you.

It's a little past 9:30am for me. I'm going to go sew for real now (and see if I can figure out what is going on with the tension on my sewing machine). I have a lunch date with other moms at noon. I'm hoping for a more low key day. Dancing tonight, as always:D


This entry was originally posted at http://jelazakazone.dreamwidth.org/566438.html. Feel free to comment here or there.

life, birds, fandom, merlin, update

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