New Merlin comm

May 17, 2012 11:06

Ok, I have been thinking about the pseudo Merlin dictionary and here is what I have come up with.

I've started a comm called merlinreference (because merlindictionary was too long:()  Right now membership is moderated.  Anyone who asks to join will be added.  My idea is that initially we will work on entries together and then when someone has an entry that is polished, they can post it separately and publically.  Eventually I'd like to get all the entries on AO3 because of the organization stuff.

So, if you've expressed interest, hopefully I've sent you an invite.  If you'd like to join, do whatever it is you need to do and I'll approve you:)  Share with your friends.  I figure the more the merrier at this point!

This entry was originally posted at Feel free to comment here or there.

collaborative fic, fanfic, psa, fandom, merlin, fanart

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