Oh, random/sundry

Apr 17, 2012 17:12

Anyone watch Castle for this week?  I <3 Adam Baldwin and Nathan Fillion so much.  Oh my god.  Detective Slaughter was HILARIOUS.

I got a bunch of stuff done including returning the broken shade and meeting with people about a quilt for a preschool teacher and scraping the girls' bedroom floor.  Also went to the library and bought milk.  Woot.  ( Read more... )

sherlock, merlin, tv, books, fanfic, life, fandom, random, stuff, recs

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princealia April 17 2012, 21:59:40 UTC
Were they rude to you, though? It's one thing to not get the header right, but rudeness is just not going to help anyone.

The mods have, no doubt, had people hunt them down and harass them, which is completely uncalled for and those people were out of line. But the amount of times I've seen people's heads get ripped off for the tiniest things prevents me from caring they're getting negativity back. It honestly seems like if you question their methods in any way, you're on a warning to get banned. That's ridiculous. The amount of people that have shown up since the community went on hiatus to talk about their experiences dealing with them and the results are crazy. I'm noticing the question thread has been screened, which would show you all the rude comments on both ends.

It's just not as simple as boo-hoo poor mods/fuck you bad fans!! Just reading the comments on that link I gave you alone should show it's not just people being pissy about the rules, and we should bow down to our precious mods for taking the time to deal with us. I left the place once that post went up, actually, because I'm 25 years old, not 3. You're not going to hold the future of a community over my head because your ego won't allow you to cede out control to someone else to help you with the rules you've put in place.


jelazakazone April 17 2012, 22:16:07 UTC
I can't think of the right word, but that mod is not touchy feely. She's very strict and I feel like she's kind of OCD about the rules, but it's her comm and she can run it the way she likes. If I don't like the rules, I don't have to post there.

I can see that it's a complicated situation and as I wasn't a member of the comm, I can't really say anything else. I am just sad to see that people are having a hard time in fandom, on either side, really.

But yeah, it does seem like the mods have some issues. I have been wary of comms and this doesn't endear me to them more.


princealia April 17 2012, 22:27:37 UTC
I agree with that. That's how the other mod is, really, but it doesn't make being in fandom a pleasant experience when you try to post at a place that's for everyone, but it feels like it's more for the mods.

It was building for a while, so I'm not surprised. I am surprised, however, they're acting not taking any part of the blame in this, be that for personal reasons stressing them out and thus causing the rude behavior, or over-reacting/responding to simple questions with rudeness. They're acting like it's justified, which is not going to go over well.

I don't blame you. I know communities that are way worse, but I don't understand why it has to be like this. I've MODDED places worse than this, and I was still a pleasant mod.


jelazakazone April 17 2012, 22:42:17 UTC
Yeah. Sometimes I wonder about the intent of comms and mods. *shrug* I'm happy in my dark little corner. It's safe here:)

It does seem sad, over all.

Urgh! Really? That's awful. I mean, I have no idea how that comm was in general, but to be a mod with bad people is just hard.

Did they harsh on you too?


princealia April 17 2012, 23:11:17 UTC
Yeeeeep XD. I've sort of given up with communities. I'm starting to get more into mailing lists and communities that are about all the random stuff in fandom that might not fit in a general community. Much more laid back.

We'll figure out something. I know a few people who've already migrated to other places and made new comms.

Not particularly. We were level-headed mods, but made sure everyone knew we were in charge without acting like primma-donnas. Everyone could approach us with problems worrying how it was going to go over. One was a rant comm., which sort of invites negative attitudes and wank if the post or comments don't go over well. I was a mod of three WITH a moderated queue AND moderated membership. This is part of why my give a damn levels are so low in this situation. We had to check each person, their posts, AND the comments to make sure no fights broke out or someone didn't round up their friends to come fight more. A few posts made it on fandom_wank back in the day because of those reasons, so I'm not a stranger to drama with members.
The other was a bit more complicated because I was asked to help, but the three other mods just left the community to me without ever doing anything themselves. It was never announced I was a mod, so I had to mod without anyone knowing I was a mod. They lumped their responsibilities on me XD. It was a lot more easy going than the other community, though, so there wasn't any trouble. And actually, the only time it got in huge trouble was after I left (which meant the place was un-modded). That, too, got on fandom_wank XD


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