Oh, random/sundry

Apr 17, 2012 17:12

Anyone watch Castle for this week?  I <3 Adam Baldwin and Nathan Fillion so much.  Oh my god.  Detective Slaughter was HILARIOUS.

I got a bunch of stuff done including returning the broken shade and meeting with people about a quilt for a preschool teacher and scraping the girls' bedroom floor.  Also went to the library and bought milk.  Woot.  Did not mow.  Will do that tomorrow.

lunchee posted about a Sherlock comm that mods shut down because they were being harrassed.  I'm incredibly saddened to hear that fans who don't like a comm can't just go off and make their own comm.  WTF people?  I think the mods were within their rights.  I know it's got to be hard to mod a huge comm.  My heart goes out to them even though I don't know them at all.  (ETA:  for more context, see this reply which has a link to another post. )

If you like canon fic, you should read Losing Sight of Shore from the canon fest.  It's Percy focused and the only warning I'll give is that the grammar isn't perfect, but the author did a really lovely job with the story, I can overlook that.

Weather returned to normal temps, thank god.

Anyone have a good book to rec?  I think I might be ready to read an actual book again.  I haven't read any books this year, yet.

This entry was originally posted at http://jelazakazone.dreamwidth.org/554082.html. Feel free to comment here or there.

sherlock, merlin, tv, books, fanfic, life, fandom, random, stuff, recs

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