So tired

Apr 16, 2012 19:14

I spent the morning cleaning and sorting laundry.  Wolfed down lunch and picked up kids.  Continued cleaning a little and tried to wake up.  Half attended violin lessons (I have the laptop with me and have one ear on the lesson, one eye on the laptop.  I can't do anything too involved on the laptop, but it's better than nothing for now).  Painted some spots on the ceiling, cobbled a dinner together, ran to the allergist and am about to put a child to bed soon.  Or start the routine anyway.

I posted two drabbles to the camelot drabble comm for this week's prompt.  I'll post them here and on AO3 later.

I am plotting something, starting a new Computer Wizard 'verse fic, and need to beta another fic.  I think my head might explode.  I need to start writing more stuff down.  Oh, I also have quilt to help complete.  I've got squares.  Just need to set them and sew them together.  I think I have a plan for that.

I finally finished listening to The Student Prince by FayJay.  Brilliant.  Bloody brilliant.  Go download it and listen to it.  Over and over again.

That's it from me.  What's up with you?  Have Twitter and Tumblr really taken everyone's attention away?  I rarely look at Tumblr and Twitter is quickly losing my interest.  I'm all LJ/DW all the time.

Anyone know what happened to the Merlin BBC newsletter?

<3 to all you lovelies.

This entry was originally posted at Feel free to comment here or there.

drabble, podfic, merlin, a day, life, writing, question, fic, rec

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