Favorite scenes from Merlin

Nov 23, 2011 18:36

I know I've asked about favorite eps before, but I don't think I've asked about favorite scenes. 

skuares and I were talking about a gif she had and I asked if it was Merlin when Arthur says, "They are like giant .... baby rats".  She confirmed it was and then we talked about how recognizable that scene was and I was saying it was one of my favorites and she agreed it was in her top ten.  Ok, so enough with the backstory.  I want to know what your favorite scenes are.    Give me roughly a dozen or less.  Let's see what everyone comes up with:D  I'm putting these behind a cut just because I know there is at least one person who's not seen S4 yet and 4.06 is one awesome scene after another, plus there are a few other scenes I love from S4:)
    • the scene where Merlin comes into Camelot for the first time
    • Merlin and Arthur when Arthur is talking about the Wildoren
    • when Merlin and Arthur are scaling the wall to get into Hengist's castle
    • Arthur delivering chicken (and destiny) to Vivian
    • Merlin telling Morgana that he is proud of his achievements (and just about every scene after)
    • Merlin and Arthur at the shore of the lake in Labyrinth of Gedref
    • Merlin and Arthur running pell mell through the forest in The Crystal Cave
    • Merlin running and yelling for the dragon in 4.02
    • Merlin crying at the end of 4.04
    • Merlin emerging from the smoke at the end of 2.01
    • Merlin telling the guy he's the last dragonlord and not to touch his fucking egg
This entry was originally posted at http://jelazakazone.dreamwidth.org/482735.html. Feel free to comment here or there.

curious question, merlin, favorites

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