I went to the grocery store at 9:30am thinking I would be safe. I was not safe. There was a mad crush of people. I'm staying in my house until January. I will not be going shoe shopping until next week at the earliest. I will just have to take lots of Advil on Friday and hope that I can still walk after all the dancing. It should be fine.
In Colin Morgan news,
I found out that Parked is going to be screening in DC in two weeks. AAAAAAGGGGGGHHHH. The timing is awful. DD1 has a bookgroup meeting that night. Her once a month book group meeting. And dh hates putting both girls to bed, although he can handle it. I'm trying to find out if a cinema close to me will have it before I break down in hysterics to beg dh to agree to me going. If I don't go and it's not playing at the local cinema, I'll probably just buy it on dvd. I think it will cost about the same as going downtown to see it.
Last night DD1 asked if they could watch an ep of Merlin this afternoon (they get out two hours early today). How can I say no to that?:D I'm trying to figure out what to show them. I was thinking Goblin's Gold, but we have to watch that on my laptop. Otherwise, maybe The Labyrinth of Gedreff? I don't have my S2 dvds with me at the moment either.
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