No willpower

Oct 01, 2011 09:19

Last night I kept wanting to check if I could dl the newest ep of Merlin and then I would keep realizing that it wasn't Saturday yet.  Clearly, if I do not just go ahead and watch it tonight, I will not sleep, so I may as well go ahead and just watch it.  Aren't my powers of rationalization amazing?:D

I'm linking to the BBC interviews from this morning here so I can watch them later.

And in other news, I will be sewing soon.  Hopefully that will distract me and wake me up (was up late due to dancing).

*twirls all my Merlin peeps*  *screams in a range that only dogs can hear*  EEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!  I'm so ridiculously happy about the new season.

Oh, one amusing note.  DH finds it mysterious that I would want to write slash (not surprising, mind you, just mysterious).  How ever, he does not find it mysterious that I would want to write about dragons.  LOL.  People are funny.

merlin merlin merlin, videos, interviews, squeeeeeeee, s4

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