Merlin 4.01

Oct 01, 2011 21:34

Just got home and have to wait until kids are in bed before I can watch.  Eeeeee.  More later.  *bites fingernails*

ETA:  Watching now.  Will put thoughts behind cut tag.  Need to comment as I watch.  First though, I am loving it so far!

Does Merlin really have a purple shirt in this ep?
O. M. G. Cold Merlin. I just want to hug him.
Arthur just called Merlin a clotpole and Merlin said it was his word. LOL. I love it!
Why do they let Merlin walk out with the knights and not put him in armor? He looked like he was going to faint.
Arthur tugged Merlin towards safety. Awww.
Scene in Arthur's chambers with just A and M felt a bit flat to me. Maybe because they were scared
Percy's got how many kids in his arms and Elyan helps save them. Awwwwww.
Merlin looks like he's seen a ghost for the whole ep so far.
Crap. Did Arthur just say he was going to sacrifice himself?
Agh! We find out that Agravaine is in cahoots with Morgana. Blech.
Arthur is visiting with his dad. It's going to make me cry. If only I could cry.
Ew. Arthur trusts Agravaine.
Now Merlin is not afraid, glad to die for Arthur. *sob*
I <3 Lancelot. So good to see him back and covering Merlin's back.
Knights are all together. Where is Merlin? Agh!
Eee! Merlin ok. Goes with Arthur to collect firewood. Arthur knocks him down.
Two men are hiding together. Can't breath
And now it's over and I still can't breath. Augh! Merlin. Waaaaa. I know he doesn't die, but this is going to kill me all week. At least I can go to sleep now. Maybe.

4.01, commentary, merlin

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