Long, overdue update

Jul 14, 2022 20:29

It's been about a year. I went through some shit.
  • Legal shit happened in July.
  • Full hysterectomy in August.
  • 10 weeks of bedrest after surgery because I never stopped bleeding. In fact, I was passing large clots. I almost needed to go back in to surgery to repair the stitch that must have broken and was sitting on a capillary, and I almost needed two transfusions.
  • November I adopted Ate, Arya's mom. She was being retired from breeding and I offered to give her a retirement home.
  • November, my 3rd COVID booster was administered improperly and was injected into the bursa of my shoulder instead of my deltoid, and I developed Frozen Shoulder as a result. So even though I was cleared for physical activity after surgery by that point, I could not move my left arm much.
  • Holidays were uneventful.
  • February, first cortisone shot was adminstered to my left shoulder. It did not hit the right mark.
  • April I left Divinity. Russ basically killed the guild and most of my friends that were there from NK guild hated him at the end. He and I are no longer speaking.
  • May I get another cortisone shot and it worked. Movement is better, range of motion is not where it was, but it's improving.
  • June I start selling lumpia and flan. It goes well for the first month.
  • First of July I come down with COVID. Not as bad as I expected, but I'm still upset that 2.5 years of isolation, vaccination, and masks, I still got it. No fevers or body aches, but it was a horrible sore throat and a lot of sneezing and sniffles. I was sick for 4 days, and by day 6 I felt pretty normal. Just a residual cough is my only evidence of having it.
  • July 10, Rob and I reunited. First time we've seen each other in 21 years. I don't remember why we stopped talking, but we pretty much picked up where we left off. I'm really happy he's back, in whatever capacity I can take him in.
  • July 13, I wrote the first chapter of the book that's been swimming around in my head.
I've been working out again. My body feels like it's finally on the mend. The day before I got sick with the Rona I did 61 squats and dips and felt great. I'm playing pool again and I might be rusty because my shoulder has been a bitch, but I think with a little more practice I'll get back into it.

I try not to get too optimistic, but things are starting to look a wee bit better.

life, uterus, health, updates

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