Memories seep from my veins

Jun 22, 2021 13:22

Sometimes, I wish I could forget things.

My mind is a repository for all sorts of secrets, things I want to remember, and things I stow away because I don't want to remember. The problem with being a conduit of empathy is that I tend to absorb all sorts of input and stimuli, and sometimes I handle it well, and other times I inadvertently let someone leave a mark. It's often the latter that I have trouble with, because once someone has marked me, part of me wants to hang on just because I feel the need to redeem and reclaim a part of what was scarred.

When everything becomes overwhelming, these memories seep from my veins and leak from my eyes. My lips become chapped from biting down on them too much, and I need time away from people just so that I can allow myself to blister --- be raw, open, and then allow for that layer of healing.

Often times, these moments where I need to be away from everyone lead me to sit by some large body of water. I am, at my core, an island girl. I am a water baby. I am of the sign Libra, a cardinal air sign, but water and I are co-dependent on one another. I feel the need to get away again, but this time I think I will recharge and center myself in the canyons and in the desert. Maybe it's time I find my relationship again with the earth, sink my feet into the soil, and ground myself.

My trip to Texas at the end of July has been rescheduled. So I think I'll aim to take this trip during that time.

I felt lost for most of April, and especially the end of May and the first part of June.

I need to find the girl I was before that period, and bring her back.
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