Happy Holidays

Dec 18, 2005 14:54

What the heck is the deal with the whole happy holidays/merry christmas controversy? I was just watching the news, and there's some people protesting outside a walmart because they used "holidays" instead of "christmas" for their seasonal advertising. Isn't Christmas a freaking Holiday? This is my 5th holiday season in the US, and it's the first time I was even aware that there's this stupid religious battle going on. I can't believe someone would be offended if you say "happy holidays" to them... It's just so sad... They're not offended by santa claus! where was santa when Jesus was born anyway? Lighten up! it's so ridiculous...

Walmart should've just said "merry christmas". If you've ever tried to find a book there, you've seen that most of their books are christian anyway. But then someone else might've been offended...

Blah. I have run out of things to say on this subject.

On other news, I went to a very fun solstice party last night. There were a bunch of very nice people, excellent and entertaining conversation, good food, good booze, and a VERY good guitar player who wore a fedora. There was also a hookah with pomegranate flavored tobacco coals, very tasty. I played a couple of songs on the guitar that I forgot I still knew... but I didn't know them that well anymore. I'm so freaking rusty.

Maybe this winter vacation I'll try and un-rust my guitar-playing. Maybe I'll even learn a couple of new songs. We'll see. :-D
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