Dec 30, 2005 21:57
The semester is over. Well, it has been for a little over a week. But I just found out my grades, so now I can officially say it's over. Straight A's, bitches! W00T! I'm so freaking happy. :-D
So, Christmas is over. I got a couple of books, among them an AWESOME leather-bound copy of Gray's Anatomy. Also, Isabel Allende's latest novel, Zorro. I started that one, and it's really good. I love her writing style. :-) Unfortunately, I've also been distracted by good anime and long days at work, so I haven't had the chance to read as much as I'd like. Also, I've been craving companionship and hanging out, so I've been spending time with our neighbors from across the hall, and with Takako. That's okay, though. I needed to make new friends :-) I've been drinking a little more than usual lately.
Abuelita Guille (mom's mom) is on this side of the Atlantic for New Year's. She's staying with Tití Gloria in Illinois, and yesterday, right during my lunch break, they called me. "Hey, we're in Milwaukee! what are you up to?" I was at work, but I gave them directions, and they stopped by to say hi. I was so happy to see them! I miss them so much. I'm going on new year's day to spend the day with them again. :-)
So, that's the news. Hope your holidays were happy, and wish you all the best for the coming year. :-)