I was thinkng earlier

May 05, 2008 04:51

that my decision to not write about politics, (which lasted all of 30 seconds) was probably a bad one.
Why not write about politics? My life is pretty boring and politcs I can at least make amusing. I think Obama's redefining of patriotism is amusing. You cannot change how patriotism is defined because patriotism is a form of blind faith combined with unjustifiable decision making. The reason for this is simple: First, because it is love fo one' country even at the cost of one's self, and second because it does not allow for hate of one's country, patriotism fails to find and fix egregious flaws within the system of that country. Patriotism is the reason the Nazis came into power and also the reason they lost World War II. Patriotism is the reason Americans allow corporations to manipulate the government so they, in turn, can destroy the populace. (If you don't believe me, see the shit that Coke, Pepsi and the tobacco companies are allowed to sell in our counry. Auhor's note: Coke and Pepsi both own all or major portions of several alcoholic beverage companies.) This is why America is destined to be a fourth world country. (That's right, I said fourth world, because developing nations will have a place above us before all is said and done.) Whst is our great failure? Our great failure, even though we have democracy, is our inability to create a better anything. The US lags behind the rest of the world in everything. As matter of fact, the only reason we haven't fallen behind the third world countries is that we hoard those failures that could be made better from those who make them work or work better.
Some might say: 'We have freedoms here that other countries don't.' What, the freedom to complain when things don't go our way? The freedom to die because the people that supposedly represent us fail to stand up for their constituents and demand healtcare insurance because that would be a conflict of interest fo them? The freedom to allow someone that has harmed others to go free because we incarcerate people unnecessarily fr crimes against themselves? Oh right, the freeom everyone talks about is the ability to say whatever you want whenever you want... I have yet to see it in action, anywhere. Besides, that pretty much just pisses everyone else off anyway.
Personally, I would rather have fewer freedoms and have a government that works for me. If tha means I trade off the ability to make decisions about who leads, oh well, as long as the person making the decisions makes good ones, then why should I complain? The creed of the Boston Tea Party was 'No taxation without representation.' Well, I'd certainly rather be without representation that with what I've got now. (An even though I don't drive, I'm stll getting taxed out the yang for crap I don't ever see results for...)

Until next time, Life may not be fair, but I wouldn't wish what we get from our government on anyone, not even Osama Bin Laden...
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