Maybe Not So Shallow?

Nov 12, 2008 01:47

So I had an interesting realization tonight. I'm not in the business of shipping hot girls together just for the sake of watching said girls make out and grope one another. Huh. Who knew?

I actually have a sort of an odd way of shipping the more I think about it. Well maybe not odd, just.......loyal?

For example, I've recently returned to the Hospital Central fandom after being completely clueless for like two years. I got sucked in back in 2005 with the Esther/Maca love story and consequent wedding. I stopped watching mid Season 11, and apparently that was perfect timing. Cheating, babies, more cheating, other relationships, whatever. But in trying to catch myself up, I came across the Vero/Maca relationship. And wow, I couldn't even watch their scenes together. I hated seeing Maca with another woman. It was odd, because I had no problem, aside from the icky cheating part, watching Esther with the baby daddy. Or even with the quasi new girlfriend in Season 16. So apparently I have no issues with other Esther ships, just Maca ones. Odd yes? I'll get ripped I'm sure, but I'm not a Vero fan at all, I fail to see the appeal. She makes Maca annoy me, and I don't enjoy that, cause well, Patricia Vico is all kinds of gorgeous. And yet, hot that she is, I can't stand to see her making other with someone other than Fatima. Very odd indeed. I think I'm jealous on Esther's behalf or something. lol

Moving on to another fandom I've realized this about. Gossip Girl. I can watch Leighton Meester make out all day. While I would prefer it be with Blakey, I can easily stomach it being other people. The same can't be said for Blake herself. I can't stand any Serena ship that isn't Blair. Dan was the worst, but Serena bugs the snot out of me when she's not with Blair. That can't be healthy can it?

Over on One Tree Hill it's more of the same. I think Hilarie has chemistry with just about any of her scene partners. And while Breyton is forever going to own my fandom heart, I wouldn't have said no to a Peyton/Rachel pairing. And yet Brooke I can only manage to see with Peyton alone. It's not Sophia. At least I don't think it is. Ok, maybe it is. Her chemistry just isn't quite there with other cast members, Jackson aside. But Jackson doesn't count, cause eww. But in any case, I only see her really bringing it with Hilarie.

The whole thing is just so strange. Am I just loyal to my pairings? But is that really the case when it's only like half the pairing? Oy, I have no clue. I think the Hospital Central immersion of late is what tipped this off. I really REALLY can't watch Maca with someone other than Esther.

And yes, that was a completely pointless entry, was it not? I blame the 2am insomnia.

fandom questions, gossip girl, hospital central, breyton

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