Soph loves her gays

Nov 14, 2008 01:28

While I've fallen a bit out of the OTH fandom recently, mostly because of the utter suck that Season 6 is thus far, finding little nuggets like this make me happy.

Zanked from AE's BWE about the passage of Prop 8:

Sophia Bush (One Tree Hill) told E! Online, "I'm really proud to be an American, and I'm embarrassed to be a Californian right now. It's just so sad that when we've been so progressive, we've also taken so many steps backward, I'm disgusted. In a world that is so full of hatred and bigotry and war and famine? We're criticizing two people for loving each other. I think that it's devastating."

Kinda love her ever more. And I still say she pings a bit.

oth, sophia bush

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