Bandslash, PG-13, ~1000 words. Frank/Gerard. Coda to
"The Cruelty-Free Sausagefests of Pleathermouth Vegan Cafe". Warning: may cause cavities.
zarathuse, I am naught but a monkey smashing wildly away at my typewriter on your command. Even when your command is disgustingly fluffy cupcake-decorating fic that will ruin my hardass bandom reputation forever. ♥
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Do keep writing in this 'verse, or at least provide us with a list of possible titles for codas if you ever (gods forbid!) grow tired of it. :D
I actually wrote most of this before coming up with the title. Normally I wouldn't use one that bad, but this ficlet is for zarathuse, and she has a bit of a fetish for awful puns, so I gave in to the urge. (There are also a couple more puns in the ficlet itself, because Zara is bad for my impulse control.)
I love awful puns! I especially love YOUR awful puns! And as a result of your constant Zara promotional efforts, I am now reading her fic and making delighted noises. Inception AND Criminal Minds AND bandom, what magic is this?! *hearts*
I am not on AIM 'cause I am at work. Some of us have jobs. :P
Yeah, we need to get writing that. Shall AIMify this evening. ♥
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