Wonder Woman

Jun 07, 2017 20:23

Saw Wonder Woman and thought it was a really good movie. I liked the visuals and costumes (especially of the amazons’ island and WWI London) and the performances were really good. I liked the performances so much that I liked the scenes of the characters interacting and talking with each other more than the action sequences. The biggest positive of the movie is that DC, after many recent years, finally made a hero that was Heroic. Wonder Woman (although they never call her that)/Diana was heroic and inspiring and someone you can look up to and aspire to be like. The weakest part of the movie was the finale. The ending/final battle was another CGI mess that distracted from an otherwise great movie.
Some other thoughts
-I didn't care for the voice over at the beginning and end of the movie.
-I liked the diversity of the Amazons, including age diversity.
-I didn't like all the slo-mo action sequences
-I liked Diana and the Ice Cream.
-I liked when Diana is excited to see the baby. I think she may have been the only child on the island.


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