Sep 21, 2008 20:24
Title: Leaving the Nest
Fandom: Star Wars
Characters: Kyp, Luke
Prompt: Independence
Word Count: 200
Rating: G
Summary: The first trainees become knights.
It had been over a generation since Jedi Knights had existed in the galaxy. Although the Empire had fallen, no one ever believed the Jedi would reestablish themselves. To most beings, the Jedi had become nothing more than nightmares and legends.
But now he was a knight.
Luke Skywalker smiled, but watched Kyp warily. Pride had led to his downfall once, and although he tried, it sometimes bordered on arrogance. He seemed to be aware of the risk himself, smiling and accepting a hug from Tionne, yet remaining out of the group.
“What are you going to do now?” Luke asked when Kyp was within hearing.
The young man shrugged. “I’m not exactly the poster-child for the Order, but I want to see the galaxy. We’re a sign that the Empire really is gone.”
“A lot of beings still don’t realize the Old Republic’s fallen,” Luke advised.
He nodded. “And most have never seen a Jedi Knight, I know. But what’s our point if we just sit here on our backsides when we could be out there?”
Luke smiled. “Then there’ll be a place for you here, should you ever get tired of wandering. May the Force be with you.”
star wars: kyp durron