Title: Spacesick Fandom: Star Wars Characters: Kyp, OC Prompt: Green Word Count: 200 Rating: PG Summary: Not a lot makes him sick. ---
The dampers weren’t working, Kyp thought as he bashed his head against the bulkhead wall with enough force to make blackness swim before his eyes. Before he could right himself, the shuttle banked violently the
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Title: Homecoming Fandom: Star Wars Characters: Kyp, Han Prompt: Years Word Count: 200 Rating: G Summary: A not-so welcome home. ---
Had it really been that long? Staring down at the brown lump of a planet slowly getting larger in the viewport, the forty or so years since he’d last seen Kessel evaporated. It seemed like only yesterday Han Solo and
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Title: Memories Author: Drifter Fandom: Stargate SG-1 Characters: Daniel, Jack, Sam Prompt: Cry Word Count: 828 Rating: G Summary: Daniel has a nightmare. Warnings: None. Disclaimer: I own nothing. ---