Nov 15, 2009 19:40
Title: Just a Flesh Wound
Fandom: Star Wars
Characters: Kyp, OC
Prompt: Red
Word Count: 200
Rating: PG-13
Summary: A not-so-minor head wound.
The blood trickled out of his hair and ran down his face. He tried to brush it away, but his hand came away smeared with red fluid. There was more than he’d expected, but he wasn’t too concerned. Cilghal had told him once that head wounds, even the not-serious ones, always bled a lot.
Ignoring the throbbing headache, Kyp stumbled on down the path towards civilization. If he didn’t get back, his partner, Phae, would never let him live it down. It was only a scratch after all. His foot caught on a snarled old root, and he went sprawling. The impact intensified the throbbing in his head, and red and black spots swam before his eyes.
Hauling himself to his feet, he concentrated on putting one foot in front of the other. Finally, he reached their shuttle, parked in a loading zone on the outskirts of town, and stumbled up the ramp. She was waiting for him, her concern was palpable through the Force as he hit the door controls.
“Just a scratch,” he mumbled, when the door slid open. Redness overwhelmed him as his eyes rolled back in his head and he dropped limply to the deck.
star wars: kyp durron