Well, the past month has been quite busy, back and forth to various types of medicos. The sub-total on the butcher's bill isn't bad, but good great goddess, it's annoying
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Thank you, thank you, thank you, all of you who sent me good wishes and prayers. My MRI results are in, and everything is normal. There is no possibility of MS, ataxia, or damage/disease to the brain stem
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I wasn't sure what I was being tested for. Iasked the tech, and she didn't know what it was either. I looked it up when I got home. I hope it's wrong. I hope it's something else
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*knock on wood, cross fingers, make sign against evil eye whatever works*
I'm feeling cautiously... what's the word I want? Not optomistic, but in a mental state where optomisim might have time to take root. I've been in a bad way for quite a while now, starting with the crown I got over a year ago. ( likely TMI medical details ahoy! )