After getting home from work immediately appeared to be a traintastrophe in the making, went to see Esther Schor talk about her book "Bridge of Words". Kinda neat. The stalled train situation had resolved itself in the meantime, got home, had some ramen with K.
I had already been meaning to dig into JaneSt's "Incremental" library, which bills itself as a practical implementation (in ocaml) of the ideas in Umut Acar's thesis, but this talk about it by Ron Minsky just blew me away. Now I'm really interested
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Went with K to a nice little cooper type lecture where Rob Saunders just showed a bunch of very lovely high-res scans of type specimen booklets from the early mid 20th century.
K found a thing with designer Peter Mendelsund doing a little bookstore talk at McNally Books. Was pretty fun. Dude was extremely articulate but also very down-to-earth, refreshingly cynical about the reality of his job designing book covers for Knopf.
Went to a lecture about worldbuilding in video games, but sadly the lecture was very high-level and didn't feel like I got a lot out of it. We ran into Dannel, though, which was pretty rad. Despite both of us being in brooklyn I hadn't seen him in a while.