Decades-old boxes, turkey updates, and drinking water...

Dec 11, 2021 14:39

Every single Christmas thing we own has been pulled down from the attic. Decades-old cardboard boxes inherited from parents and the dead, way too many snowmen, and giant baubles that need batteries. The tree and the accompanying ornaments are still somewhere in the guest room- at least everything is now in the livable areas of the house. We'll sort through it later, finally going through a purge to help others have some Christmas cheer instead of continuing to bog this house down with so much stuff. I already contacted a fellow cat mom who now has a cat named Socks to give his stocking to; that makes me feel slightly accomplished.

I'm freshly dressed and Fidget's freshly showered. Hopefully, my mother will get it together (she's napping now? Which makes sense for almost 1400 on a Saturday??) and we'll do the same at her house. I'll drag and unpack decades-old boxes that have moved across state lines several times. We'll sort through what I want to keep and now what she's added in her recent QVC splurge. Hopefully everyone will be medicated and using sun lamps and I won't continue to feel this drain that has been happening this week.

Turkey Day overall this year was a success, though not without my amazing luck. We did a Blue Apron this year and naturally, it came a day too late. I decided to not work on Turkey Day and spent the majority cooking. While good enough, Fidget summed it up with "it's like eating someone else's food in my own house." I got my mother to come this year and we three ate together. I introduced her to the giant Duck, affectionately called "Snow Bear", and we ate herbed turkey breast and too much stuffing. We manically had cleaned the dining room, finally finding the tiles on the table from the better part of a year. I put out my Pilgrim salt and pepper shakers and Fidget hid our shame in a guest room where my disabled mother wouldn't be able to gallivant up the stairs. I totally wrote notes to Future Jess.

I was off both Black Friday and that weekend, the first four-day holiday weekend I had had since graduate school? And I can't remember before then, though I would estimate going back to when I was in undergrad. I baked, I saw some friends, I thought I was truly relaxing.

But naturally, it's MY life so things went dramatically off the rails as it do. I tried my best to tell both Fidget and Momma that I needed some space- I was going into a two-day training and still needing to work afterwards, so both doubles. Indeed, one flailed about re: work and the other called me crying because she couldn't stop vomiting. But would either of them take their pills and drink some damned water? No.

I gallivanted around the city for another background check and fingerprinting then brought breakfast to my mother Wednesday morning. Finally, I can go back through finishing my license renewal- I kept pushing back getting it done because I was waiting for phone calls or emails about scheduling an appointment due to being in the COVID times. (Here's hoping the Board gets it.)

Thursday morning, I had to put on giant dark blue scrubs, take my hair down, and hold my mother's head and hand as she cried and sobbed with her bottom half in an MRI machine. Then I got her a burger and worked for another eight hours.

It's frustrating. I seemingly have had this undying hope that "Tomorrow will be a new day" and I'm realizing it's not. I'm managing two full-grown adults. I have three cats, two of which need twice daily medication. I'm responsible for SIX heartbeats. And it's fucking exhausting.

I just want to have a semi-functional and clean house that allows me to ride my spin bike. I'm tired of the to-do lists and overwhelming task management for two households. Just because I'm good at it doesn't mean I enjoy it. We have Bo and he helps with the auto-vacuuming, so overall, I feel like the house is dirt-wise more clean, but gets cluttered so easily. I can't expect the cats to get more well, but I need these two adults, the ones that supposedly love me so bad, to get it together, and take their medications as prescribed...

... and drink some damned water.

momma, turkey day, fidget, duck

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