2021 End of year reflections...

Dec 31, 2021 22:33

There's a heavy fog settling over Catonsville right now. Rain just started falling. It's my annual time of reflection. I've taken Monday off for my father's birthday and scheduled another float session- maybe he'll visit. Maybe not. But I've found that I'm 2:2 for having visits from the dead when floating. First, it was my father. Then it was Kayrin's parents. It would only make sense my father would show up on Monday- it is his birthday after all.

We're spending this New Year's Eve alone again, originally making plans with 0nn and her husband, but canceling due to the omicron variant. Our house is in a half-decorated Christmas mashup with normal clutter. Our tree is up this year but sans ornaments since we've been half and half about whether we're going to take it down since CheddarLion has been eating a FAKE tree. I don't have particularly high hopes for the new year, but trying to put the time aside to get some things in order. I went through my 2021 goals with Fidget and I did make some modicum of progress. I did accomplish some things and not others. However, I feel pretty even about it.

I survived this year.

This year, I continued to take care of my mother. I euthanized one cat and adopted another. I'm responsible for six heartbeats and responsible for properly medicating four. I changed jobs, working through hustling with time schedules, and finally seem to be settling into some semblance of order. This is going pretty well. Maybe I don't spin as much as I'd want and maybe I haven't made the most progress I'd like, but our bills are paid and Fidget is decidedly happier this year. Momma is still alive. Alive with a stress fracture, but alive nonetheless. And I've continued to handle her business, hire a housekeeper, and keep both households afloat.

I've done a really good job.

I'm not the one to be glad when years are over. I don't wish any specific year hardship. They've all brought their trials and tribulations. 2020 was a rollercoaster. 2014 totally blew. 2018 started with a surgery, ended with us in Scotland, with us being married and my father dying in between. I can't fault any particular year.

What I have noticed? Things do eventually get done. I see the reminders when Google decides to send me photo reminders of what our house looked like eight (!) years ago. Reminders of when my father first died. When I was laid off from the Starship. When the shoulder pain was horrible and I couldn't imagine living in Florida for an indeterminate amount of time. And I prevailed.

I continue to remain resilient. I can only hope we're healthy next year, and if we're not, we survive. I'll put more systems in place and get the things done. I don't have overly high hopes for 2022 Jess because I am realistic now. I can only hope to maintain the pace I have, to make the progress I have already, and continuing working the systems as they are...

... Past Jess put them there for a reason.
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