I got into classes!

Apr 09, 2015 12:23

The smoke alarm angrily beeped in our bedroom around 0640. After waking up and realizing what was happening, I was somewhat grateful as it would be registration in about twenty minutes. I changed the battery, then crawled back into bed for fifteen minutes. Phone started vibrating. Friend had broken up with her boyfriend. I tried to manage that while booting up my desktop. But it wouldn't open a window.

I flew downstairs, making sure the laptop would work. Quickly logged in, hit the drop-downs, and it said I was locked out of one course. Well, at least I got three. I could do an internship and still be out by August. As my mind mulled over that, I flipped to another screen where it said a spot had opened up in the class I was just locked out of. SNAPPED THAT RIGHT UP.

I have four classes!

I don't have to do an internship!

Fidget can quit!

After being quietly excited, I crawled back into bed with a warm walrus, whispering, "Hey, guess what?"


"You can quit your job!"

"Cool. Can I get another hour of sleep, too?"

"Fine. As long as there's snuggles."

I decided to finally make omelettes (celebratory ones!) and made coffee, eagerly popping bread to toast and stirring spinach and mushrooms. Fidget got ready for work, I bagged his celebratory omelette, and he went out the door after looking for his keys for awhile. Saw him come back in and said that the right tire was at 19 psi. Whoops. Gave him quarters then hoped he would get to work. (Clearly, we should be doing some work on Onyx at this point. The tire's been leaking intermittently, but never that bad!)

I called my parents, excited. I was on the phone with Momma for almost two hours, mostly talking about flying Sadie to Florida. My brain was spinning; Fidget can do school. I could get a license. Maybe we could move my parents in September when I'm not really working and studying for an exam. Maybe, maybe, maybe.

But it's coming. And it went. And I got my four classes. And I don't have to intern anymore. It looks like my schedule will be like this:ALL SUMMER:
T 1000-1230 Eating Disorders
T 1600-1800 Alcohol and Drug
TR: 1300-1540 Business Issues in Private Practice
MW: 1900-2140 CBT for kids
I feel as though this is totally doable. I can work some hours, do some reading, and clean my house, plus hang out with Sadie. While I had some internship possibilities on the horizon, I wasn't too keen on doing part-time work again. I really do feel as though I am burned out. It's possible I'll pick up a Monday shift at the Kangaroo Hut, or I might not. I might just sit at home and pet my cat.

There's so many opportunities and so many options. I've sent out some text messages to see if people want me to work for them; I've had so many opportunities offered but couldn't accept any due to being unlicensed. Now, those connections I've fostered have come to fruition...

... I am both relieved and nervous, and so, so glad.

florida, internships, momma, job-hunting, onyx, grad school, fidget

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