Reporting LIVE from the public library...

Sep 21, 2013 15:23

We are now three weeks into graduate school, and my and Fidget's lives have been regulated into routine. It's a nice trade-off; he cooks most nights, I run and study, and then later in the week, I pick up my "slack" by cooking and cleaning the kitchen. We're still struggling with the early rising now that we have to leave our house by 0700; it's amazing what a difference a half hour makes, but whew, it sure does!

Probably one of the cutest things that happened in the past several weeks was when Fidget picked me up from class late one night. There were bags in the back of Onyx, when I didn't quite know why. He told me they were gifts, and I could get them when we got home.

Sitting on the couch, Fidget brought in a paper bag and a plastic bag. Inside these bags were:· A HUGE bunch of kale
· Taratalli pretzels
· Seaweed wasabi crisps
· Parmesean cheese crackers
I had no idea what any of this meant. He said, "I wanted to get you healthy snacks" which explained why they were whole or organic compositions.

"What about the kale? That's a BIG bunch of kale!" (It was the size of my arm. The whole arm, not just my forearm.)

"I wanted to get you flowers, but they didn't have any in the store. So I got the most flowery thing I could find."

Sometimes, he really is precious.

I weighed myself this morning before heading to my Saturday Power class; it won't "count" as I keep track of what's happening on Wednesday mornings, but if the scale's right, I weigh less now than when I went into college. I'm amazed! Part of me thinks it will be absolutely ridiculous if when we go to Florida in January, I am 40 pounds less than the last time I was there. As another note, I totally ran/woggled a mile in fifteen minutes! HUZZAH!

I really am enjoying the group exercise atmosphere. I used my eleventh class today, so my pass will be done by twenty. I've been dropping not-so-subtle hints that Fidget should buy me a year's pass for our anniversary, which is next Thursday.

Can we just talk about THAT for a minute? Next Thursday will be our THREE YEAR anniversary. Simply mind-blowing.

Talking about other mind-blowing events, Mimosa's bridal shower was last weekend and to my non-surprise, Yeppo was there. I hadn't seen her since everything went down, and save for one New Year's Eve message, hadn't heard from her. The entire event went well, so maybe it's what people need after they sleep together before being reintroduced to each other; three years is a good amount of time for everything to change. We can just re-cap for me; in three years, I'm now in an established monogamous relationship probably heading toward marriage, I've bought a house, and I'm enrolled in graduate school. Granted, two of those three things happened this year, but hey, it still counts. In any case, I'm glad she's doing well and everyone was civil, and yay being grown-up!

Naturally, Fidget was unfazed by the whole thing. I asked him why and he's like, "I have you." And that was the end of that conversation. Sometimes, the things he says are so effin simple, it boggles my mind. I am definitely grateful that he's come into my life so that I can have a more healthy outlook on things.

I walked down to the library in order to return some of our books, and am now trying to engage in the scholarship/grant-finding extravaganza. While it is possible to pay for graduate school, I'd rather not if I can help it...

... so off to finding more monies, yay productivity!

group exercise class, woggling, yeppo, grad school, fidget

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