First Saturday back in school...

Sep 07, 2013 17:56

The first weekend back and so far, so good. Granted, I've only had one class, but I'm hopeful! Eventually, the third class posted the syllabus, so I took a four month calendar and added in when all of the projects were due. It seems, um, doable. I'm wondering if I was just catastrophizing for so long that I thought it would be unmanageable, but thankfully, it's not appearing to be too much. I know the most time-consuming of the entire endeavor will be reading what I need to read. I doubt it'll be papers and presentations, but I see a lot of time being spent just chapter reading.

I even went as far as trying to hypothesize holding down 40 hours of work, taking four classes (instead of the current two), and maybe TAing. It would appear this is on a lot of people's CVs, which would be something different to bolster up my background in this field versus chemistry. I used to TA in undergrad, so would be a piece of cake, but as always, I'm just worried about the time constraints.

Oh, and throw an externship in there for good measure.

Speaking of time constraints, in my assessment class, I have to complete an assessment. I only have a week to do it, which I decided I would use Otter Bucket as she'll be one of the people I'll see when going up for Smurf's wedding. I'm sure this will be interesting enough. I see a lot of using Bluejay's laptop, donning a good pair of earbuds, and sitting doing homework when I'm not driving.

I'm hopeful, though. There were times this week where it was clear Fidget and I hadn't gotten our act together yet. We were late Wednesday morning and then I left my work keys in my purse, which I didn't bring with me. He was so exhausted by the time he picked me up that I treated us to Taco Bell and we vegged for the rest of the night. Not the healthiest of endeavors, but sometimes, your brain needs to stop, too.

I've gone to my Power class this morning and also did some foam rolling this afternoon. I'm going to attempt again before I bury myself back into chapter reading.

Thankfully, the job at the Starship hasn't been too arduous, to the point where I could read for my research class and get my thoughts together to post my first reflection this afternoon. Working a full day on Friday is going to be a chore, seeing as I haven't had to work a full Friday in about three years. But with the downtime, I see lots of opportunities to try and read for class. I see myself continuing to carry my backpack, no matter what the day is.

Our house is relatively put together, save our bedroom which looks like we hold stock in clothing. But the kitchen's clean and the guest room's arranged; MFNJ is coming by tonight for a sleepover. (I don't even know if I should call her "MFNJ" anymore as she's no longer my neighbor and lives in effin' Dundalk now, but I think once you're named in this journal, it stays that way.) I know we plan on doing some drinking, which will be nommy. We also plan on going to the farmer's market and the arts and crafts fair, so it should be a good time to hang out and catch up.

We are ridiculously low on food right now; I don't even have a bag of broccoli to go with dinner. I'm making garam masala without no meat (since we don't have anything but bacon) and throwing in a bag of frozen okra because a.) we had it and b.) we're never going to use it, so I'm hoping the slime will make the sauce thicker. So tomorrow will not only be "hey, let's contribute to our neighborhood" but also "we have no effin' food, omg." I know we'll need to do a grocery run soon, too, as we're out of aforementioned frozen vegetables, some herbs, and maybe dish soap? It's getting bare around here. Yay for living on a budget!

Speaking of budgets, I got the clothes from Hunny, which have been working out well, except that my pants are pretty comical. Thankfully, I was lamenting to a coworker of mine who had lost a lot of weight. She ended up having clothes in my size, so I brought two trash bags home. I'm planning on a sangria-fueled fashion show for MFNJ. Granted, this coworker just turned 40, so I'm hoping I don't have a lot of older clothes which wouldn't work on me.

I have been doing a LOT of planning. Granted, this is usually my free time. I would plan when I was bored like some folks would doodle. However, with the constraints of graduate school, I really think I need to actually follow a plan. This is only the first Saturday, and so far, I've done a reflection. After I post, I'm going to smoke, then read for my theories class. Ironically, it looks to only be thirty pages for two chapters, so I might just be ahead of the game. I know next week is going to be harrowing; we were tossing around the idea of having over Fidget's aunt and grandfather for a football game, since they're starting at 1pm. Saturday is VERY busy. We have a housewarming, a couples shower, and then a concert. So the planning starts (I think?) on Thursday to make sure I can do all of that, and enjoy the company instead of sequestering myself upstairs in the office.

I cannot express how happy I am that I bought this house and now have this space. Now that it's finally organized and the Post-Its aren't taking over everything, I think I'll be able to do a lot of work up here for graduate school...

... then we can sell it, buy another, and I'll work on my Psy. D. from that one!

foam rolling, grad school, friends

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