a medley

May 12, 2006 00:41

I think my summer reading should consist largely of the Bible and other religious texts. not that i'll have much free time... not that i want to look like a missionary in africa...

we are going to colorado for the 2nd and 3rd of july to see my grandmother. she is insisting that we all go and see her then even though we usually don't in the summer. It will be her 89th birthday and she's been having problems with here colon (maybe cancer again) with no plans of fighting through it this time. her two boyfriends died this year, and she doesn't have many friends in Colorado; she's lonely and she's ready. i'm not going to go off and write an obituary. she's not dead. she's just suspicious and making the rest of us so. I'll be in China on the family's usual trip to see her. no grandparents will see me graduate college, see me get married or hold my children (if this is the order I'm going to do these thigns in...). this is why i will pump out my children early.

for a 180 degree change in tone- I'll be house sitting my boss' sweetass crib August 17th- August 20th because she'll be in the bahamas for a wedding. If anyone wants to stay with me to fully utilize the amazing view of alll of LA as well as the amazing location- 3 blocks away from melrose, 8 blocks away from sunset strip- and is not allergic to cats, please keep me company. We can act like we're married, have two beautfiful cats and are successful beyond our years.
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