The End. The KNeW.

Jul 15, 2015 08:58

As fast as the relationship started back in March the faster it ended last night...
After a few months in a relationship with a girl who I thought was different and mature TRUTH reared it's ugly hand.
Let's face it. I wasn't ever going to marry her. I hated that she had 4 huge dogs or woke me up every night at about 1am when I had to be up at work at 5am. It wasn't going to work and inside I knew it. I don't know why I stay in relationships that I know inevitably will be over sooner or later. I'm too old for this shit.

I'm not too upset. Maybe it just hasn't set in that much yet. Maybe it's a relief and a load off my back in a way. It wasn't that it was an awful relationship and she is not an awful person. It was juts too much work...She needs someone to reassure her and pamper her constantly. It would be fair to say that she is high maintainence. Plus, I am still in love with my ex.

What does bother me is the texts that she sent me last night telling me that she "Hated me". hate is a pretty harsh word and I can honestly say that I have NEVER in my life time hated ANYONE. Of all the bad things that somepeople have done to me I would never hate someone. It's a ugly word.

It also solidifies my decision. I obviously made the right decision on ending it. Maybe that's why I am not too upset.
If anything I am very disappointed in people.
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