Love... Part 14

Sep 16, 2006 17:21

River looking for Jayne.
“Jayne will be back soon,” soothed Kaylee, “He and Zoe will be back with supplies.”

River in love with Jayne. Does Jayne love River?
“You’d know better than anyone, Maggie,” Kaylee smiled.

“River has a crush on Jayne. She wants him to love her back,” Simon explained, “But as far as I can see Jayne has fallen in love with you.”

Tears streamed down Maggie’s face, and Kaylee gave her a big hug. “Just wait ‘till Jayne gets back. Ya can tell him all this an’ he can answer all ya questions.”

Maggie sobbed as Kaylee tried to soothe her.


Jayne drove the mule into the cargo bay, and began to unload the supplies as Zoe pressed the comm. button to let everyone know they were back.

“Jayne, Maggie’s been taken sick,” replied Wash over the comm, “Doc said you should get over to the infirmary as soon as you can.”

Concern was written all across Jayne’s face as he looked to Zoe.

“Go and see how she is. I’ll start unloadin’. Come and give me a hand as soon as you can.”

Jayne ran all the way to the infirmary. He saw Maggie asleep on the medi-bed with an oxygen mask over her face. “What wrong with her?” he asked Simon.

“She just had a panic attack, but she’s comfortable now. All we know is that River said something about you that upset her.”

“That feng dian piece of go se!” Jayne growled.

“Why don’t you take Maggie down to your bunk?” Simon suggested.

“Will she be alright without the oxygen?”

“She’ll be fine,” Simon reassured her, “as long as you can keep her calm.”

“Don’t think I’ll have too much trouble with that,” Jayne smirked, scooping her up. He grinned as she snuggled closer to him, wrapping her arms around his neck.

“Let me know if she has any more panic attacks.” Simon called as Jayne carried her down the corridor to his bunk.


Jayne laid Maggie down on his bunk and brushed her hair away from her face.

Maggie opened her eyes, “Jayne?” she asked.

“I’m here bao-bei.”

Her eyes filled with tears. “River said…” she started to say.

Jayne pressed a finger to her lips. “Shhh,” he whispered, “River’s bin tellin’ ya a lotta go se. Garbage.”


Jayne shook his head. “No buts. Maggie, I love ya. I ain’t even looked at River since I met ya.”

“But you looked at her before?”

Jayne nodded his head. “There ain’t nothin’ I’ve regretted more than kissin’ that crazy girl.”

“Only kissed?”

“What’s that girl bin tellin’ ya?” Jayne growled.

“She said you were the only one could scratch her itch,” Maggie whispered.

Jayne laughed, “She may want me ta scratch it, but the only scratch I want ta itch is your’n, Maggie girl.” He nuzzled her neck and she wrapped her arms around him.

Holding her tight, Jayne whispered, “Ya the only one I want now. Ya mei li, an’ the only woman I want in ma bunk. Only woman I want on the whole gorram boat.”

“Oh, Jayne,” she sighed.

“Aw, Maggie honey,” he kissed her tenderly.

As Jayne got up to go and help Zoe, she whispered, “Don’t go, Jayne.”

“Ya want me ta stay here with ya?”

She nodded, holding her arms out to him. He groaned and sank down into her arms.

“Ti amo, mi amore,” whispered Maggie, nuzzling his ear.

“What does that mean? It sounds gorram sexy,” Jayne grinned.

“It’s Italian. It means I love you, my love.”

“Wo ai lian ni, bao-bei.” Jayne whispered back.

“What does that mean?” she grinned.

“I love you, darlin’, in Mandarin,” Jayne replied, holding her close.

“Now, do you want ta git more comfortable?”

“Well, we could get out of these clothes?”

“That’s ma girl,” he grinned, shucking off his t-shirt and pants, and helping her out of her clothes.


Next Chapter: I Love you to Love Me

firefly, river, love, oc, maggie, angst, jayne

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