Love... Part 15

Sep 16, 2006 18:10

Title: I Love you to Love me
Series Title: Love …
Author: Jayneswoman
Rating: NC17
Fandom: Firefly
Word Count: 1203
Summary: Jayne and River and Maggie
Warning: Full of Jayne goodness. Beware if you don’t enjoy non-canon pairings.
Disclaimer: Joss is Boss. I’m just borrowing his characters for fun!!

Authors Note: Thanks to
bookaddict43 for betaing. (I made some changes since - blame me for  any mistakes!)

troy_gal - Thanks for the plot bunny. This fanfics for you!

Previous Chapters Here


I Love you to Love me

Jayne woke up to hear Mal knocking on his bunk door. He groaned and snuggled closer to Maggie.

“Go away. I’m sleepin’,” he shouted.

“Tian xiou de! Either lemme in or come out here, Jayne.”

Jayne held Maggie close and pressed a kiss to her cheek. Slipping out of bed he pulled on pants and a t-shirt and climbed out of his bunk.

“This better be important,” Jayne growled.

“Doc’s takin’ Tom to the hospital here in New Londinium and I think Maggie would want to say goodbye?”

“I’ll go wake her.”

“Xie-xie, Jayne,” Mal said, “Oh, and one more thing.”

Jayne turned to listen.

“Make sure River don’t catch you two in the same bunk. She’s still real upset at losing ya.”

“Ha, ha, Mal. I’ll be real careful.”

“I mean it, Jayne, or ya might come across her with a sharp knife and a strong yearnin’ ta turn ya red again.”


Jayne reached down and pressed a kiss against Maggie’s soft lips.

She groaned as she woke up. “Jayne?” she purred.

“Hey, Maggie honey. Time ta wake up.”

Maggie stretched and yawned just like a cat. A very sexy cat, he thought, as the sheet slipped, revealing her creamy breasts and the smooth skin of her stomach and thighs.

“Darlin’,” he whispered against her hair, pulling her closer. “We’re back at New Londinium, and Simon’s getting’ ready ta take Tom ta the hospital. D’ya wanna say goodbye, or go with him ta get him settled in?”

Maggie nodded, and ran a hand across his jaw, kissing him tenderly. “What did I ever do ta deserve such a man? Ya so good ta me, Jayne.”

“It’s not easy,” he growled. “I don’t want ya ta ever see that hun dan again. He hurt ya Maggie, and I don’t wanna see him do that ta ya again.”

“He won’t bao-bei. I’m with you now.” She held him close.

“Well, hurry up slow-poke!” he batted her on the behind, “Simon will leave without ya, if’n ya don’t get down ta the infirmary double quick.”

“Where are my clothes?”

“Put ‘em right here, ma’am, all neat an’ folded.”

Maggie grinned, and gave him a kiss. “Xie-xie, my swai man.”

“Ya welcome, Maggie honey,” Jayne drawled, turning her tummy to jelly with longing.

She pulled on her clothes quickly, held Jayne’s face in her hands and kissed him soundly.

“I’ll be back,” she promised.

“Ya better be, or I’m sendin’ a posse out after ya,” Jayne grinned, hiding his face in her neck and breathing in her scent. He pressed one last kiss on her eager lips. “Ya want me ta come with?”

“I’d better do this alone, so I can say goodbye properly.”

Jayne bristled.

“Hey, settle down. I mean, we need to do this without an audience, to settle things once and for all. I promise I’ll be back.”

Maggie stroked his cheek and gazing into Jayne’s eyes, pressed her lips to his.

“Ti amo, mi amore.”

“Wo ai lian ni, bao-bei.”

Jayne walked down to the cargo bay with her and watched her leave with Simon and Tom. He felt as if his heart was breaking in two. He promised himself that if she didn’t come back, he would look for her, and go on looking for her as long as it took. He would never give up. Maggie was just too damn important to him.


With Tom settled in his room, Maggie was preparing to return to Serenity when there was a knock at the door.

“Darling!” In swept a regal looking woman.

Maggie breathed deep to control her nerves. “Lady Fairfax.”

“How is my son?”

“He has bumps and bruises and and few broken bones. They didn’t have the latest medical equipment on board Serenity, so I brought him back here.”

“What happened?”

Again Maggie took a deep breath to control her nerves. “Tom was treating me badly, and the crew took exception to it.”

“So some space cowboys took it into their heads to give him a little ‘rough justice’? Well, we won’t let them get away with that. You write down exactly what happened and the names and details of the ship and crew…”

Maggie eyes filled with tears. “I won’t be doing that, Lady Fairfax.”

Tom’s mother held Maggie’s hands. “I told you, call me Isobel.”

“Isobel, your son has not been treating me the way an engaged man should treat his fiancé.”

“I’m sure he’s learnt his lesson.” Isobel stroked her cheek.

Maggie looked straight into Isobel’s eyes. “Are you, because I’m not? He admitted his behaviour has been deplorable, and he asked me to choose.”

“Choose what?”

“A life with him, or without.”

“Margaret, you can’t possibly be thinking of giving up on the life of privilege you would have with my son.”

“I told you, my name is Maggie. And yes, I am prepared to give up that life with Tom. It would break my spirit to be treated like rubbish for the rest of my life. Tom has shown no regard to me. The crew of Serenity have shown me more respect.”

“You’ve always been like a daughter to me.”

“And you were like a second mother,” Maggie eyes filled with tears and the two women embraced.

“I’ve loved him for so long,” Maggie continued, “but I won’t let myself get trapped in a loveless marriage. I can’t be with him if he can’t love me back.”

“I can see you’ve made your decision.”

“I have.” Maggie bent down to press one last kiss to Tom’s cheek. “Goodbye, Tom. I’ll come back and visit you whenever I can.”

“You’re rejoining that spaceship crew.” Lady Fairfax was shocked.

Maggie nodded. “Tom and I have decided to remain friends. If you’ll let me, I’d like to visit whenever I’m back planet side.”

“You’d always be welcome at the manor house.”


Jayne settled the weights back on the rest and breathed deeply.

Lifting weights was the only thing he could think of to keep his mind off Maggie. Would she come back to him, or would she be persuaded to stay with Tom?

River slid behind the weight bench. “She is talking with his mother. Both want her to stay.”

“Gorramn it, girl. What did I tell ya ‘bout sneakin’ up on a man while he’s pressing weights?”


“Gorramn right! Now scoot.”

“She won’t come back.”

Jayne slid out from under the bar and glared at River. “I’ll ax ya when I wanna know what yer readin’.”

Mal come down into the cargo bay. “Jayne, group of us are goin’ ta Eddie’s Bar. Ya comin’?”

“Anything ta take ma mind offa things and away from Crazy here!” Jayne growled.

“She wants to come too,” River whispered.

“Ya can come, lil albatross, just give Jayne some space. He’s riled up, an’ he don’t want ya proddin’ and pokin’ at his sore spot.”

"Dong ma, Captain Daddy,” River answered.


Maggie hurried down into the docks to rejoin the Serenity crew, looking forward to seeing everyone again.

Her heart dropped as she saw Serenity taking off.

She had missed her chance. She would never see them again.

Tears rolled down her face. “Jayne!” was the name on her lips.


To be continued…

Last Chapter: Love Changes Everything

Nearly finished!!

firefly, river, love, oc, maggie, angst, jayne

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