Love... Part 13

Sep 16, 2006 17:01

Title: Love is a Many Splendored Thing
Series Title: Love …
Author: Jayneswoman
Rating: NC17
Fandom: Firefly
Word Count: 1113
Summary: Jayne and River and Maggie Love Triangle (Het)
Warning: Full of Jayne goodness. Beware if you don’t enjoy non-canon pairings.
Disclaimer: Joss is Boss. I’m just borrowing his characters for fun!!

Authors Note: Thanks to
bookaddict43 for betaing.

troy_gal - Thanks for the plot bunny. This fanfics for you!

Previous Chapters Here

Sorry that this took so long to post....

Stick with this chapter. Skip past the Maggie/Jayne scene at the beginning if that's not your cup of tea, but read the scene at the end. I think you'll like it....


Love is Many Splendored Thing

When they got to the shower, Jayne turned on the water to heat up whilst they got undressed.

“Rule number one: we can’t take off our own clothes,” he teased.

“Umm, I like that rule,” she giggled, pulling his t-shirt up to kiss his taut stomach. “Are there any other rules I should know about?” Maggie asked taking off Jayne’s t-shirt the rest of the way.

"Jiu er jiu zhi, bao-bei, all in good time,” Jayne whispered in her ear as he ripped her t-shirt off pressing her bare breasts against his chest.

He plunged his fingers into Maggie’s hair and angled her head, kissing her passionately, all tongues and lips, pressing, licking and sucking. He moved down to suck on her neck and then down to her breasts.

“Jayne,” she moaned.

“What do ya want me ta do, Maggie girl?”

“Don’t stop,” she gasped, her hands at his waist, struggling to undo his pants.

He grinned. “Let me,” he said, sliding his hands over hers. He undid the fastening, and watched as she slowly slid his pants down over his hips. Maggie stood and he slipped off her shorts leaving her standing in a very sexy black lace set of bra and panties. Jayne grinned, letting his eyes linger over all her curves, taking in every inch of his woman.

She blushed and giggled as he stared at her with a sexy grin on his face. “Come here,” she beckoned him with a crook of her finger. He slowly stepped towards her.

She ran her fingers down his chest and across his stomach, until she reached the waist of his boxers. He did the same, from her cheek, down her neck, ghosting over her breasts, smoothing across her belly until her reached the edge of her panties. They were both breathing deep with desire.

Jayne was the first to move, slipping a finger down each side of her panties, feeling the soft skin beneath. She gasped. He ran a finger around to the front of her panties, slipping a finger across her sweet spot. She pressed herself against his finger, and he grinned as she sighed when he slipped his finger inside her.

“More, Jayne,” she moaned.

“Bao-bei,” he whispered in her ear, pulling his finger out and tearing her panties off, “I’ll buy ya a new pair.” He sucked on her neck as she slid his boxers down over his hips. He kicked them off and bent down to pick Maggie up. She wrapped her legs around his hips and he carried her into the shower.

The warm water felt like tian tang on Jayne’s skin, and her body in his arms was made to worship. He plunged his tongue into her mouth greedily, wrestling with hers. Then he moved down her neck and onto her breasts. He licked, sucked and teased her nipples with his teeth, lips and tongue, until she was begging him to move inside her.

“Ren nai, Maggie girl, be patient. Good things come to those who wait.”

“Screw that, Jayne,” she said, grasping his hand and plunging it between her legs.

“Is this what you want?” he teased, ghosting his fingers across her clit.

“Harder, Jayne.”

“Like this?” he gently pressed her clit this time.

“Uh uh, harder,” she begged.

“Like this?” he pressed hard and plunged two fingers inside with his other hand.

She rocked her hips against his hands. “Harder, Jayne, and I want you inside me.”

“Like this?” he asked, flicking her clit so waves of pleasure crashed over her.

He held her as she shivered through her orgasm and positioned himself in front of her, flicking her clit against just as he slid inside her. Ta ma de, he had never felt a woman so tight around him before. As she rode the waves of pleasure, she pulled him through too.

They grinned at each other as they breathed deeply, both catching their breath again.

“Maggie girl, that was amazing,” he gasped. “Wo teng yun jia wu, I feel like I’m walking on air.”

“I know,” she said as a grin spread across her face.

She pressed more open-mouthed kisses against his eager mouth. “Now what’s rule number two?”

“Rule number two,” he smiled, “is we can’t wash ourselves.”

“So you’ll have to wash me. Everywhere?” she asked.

“Everywhere,” he said with a sexy grin.

“You’re a wicked man, Jayne Cobb. We’re going to get so hot and bothered that we’re just going to get sexed all over again.”

“That’s the idea,” he smirked.


When the rest of the crew came down to breakfast Jayne was laughing and teasing with Maggie. They all just stared.

“Cat go yer tongues?” he asked.

Zoe was the first to comment, “It’s downright unsettlin’, don’t’ya think, Sir?”

“Gives me an uncomfortableness, Zoe, seein’ Jayne so happy.”

“He’s damagin’ my calm,” said Wash. “I’m not used to him without a scowl on his face.

“Ha, ha, very funny,” said Jayne, “now ya got a choice, pancakes or oatmeal?”

After they had eaten seconds and thirds, Wash piped up, “Well at least this strangely happy Jayne serves better food.”

“Ya lookin’ fer a fight, little man?” Jayne growled.

“I knew he’d come back,” joked Zoe, “Welcome back, ornery old Jayne.”

“Don’t listen to them, bao-bei,” Maggie whispered, slipping under his arm and pressing herself close against his side. “I like my man just the way he is.”

Jayne nuzzled Maggie and dipped her in his arms, kissing her on the mouth in front of them all, just as Kaylee, Simon, River and Inara were coming to breakfast.

“Awwww,” cooed Kaylee.

“Ahhhhh,” cried Simon, covering his eyes.

River just stood there transfixed by the emotions pouring off the couple, her eyes filling with tears. She had seduced him into her bunk earlier, but he made it clear that Maggie was his choice. However, her heart and body still ached for him. She wasn’t going to let him go so easily, and she knew that Jayne had not told Maggie about their little tryst in her bunk. She smiled as a plan formed.

“Ya’d better git used ta the new me, cause ma woman likes him, an’ he’s here to stay.”

“Come on everyone,” said Inara, “give him a break, He’s in love…”

Everyone stopped and just stared with mouths agape at their mercenary standing with their cook.

“Who knows,” said Wash, “we may git ta like this new touchy feely Jayne.”

“Just as long as he can still shoot an’ track an’ kill,” mused Mal, “or else he’ll hafta be cook’s apprentice…”

“Our very own fluffy mercenary, with secret culinary skills,” kidded Wash.

“Hey,” said Jayne, “I ain’t sly!”


Next Chapter: Love in the First Degree

firefly, river, love, oc, maggie, angst, jayne

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