Love... Part 11

Sep 03, 2006 18:00

I love you but I am bad for you. Don’t mean to hurt you but I do.
“I love you too, Tom, but you have hurt me and I don’t think I can trust you again.”

You must choose. Him or me?
“You would let me go?”

Don’t want to. Best for you.
“I asked Mal if I could stay on Serenity as a crew member.”

Be a good cook. Lucky to have you.

Maggie smiled, “That’s just what they’ve asked me.”

I’m sorry Maggie. Forgive me? Be my friend.

“We’ll always be friends, if you will let me,” she squeezed his hand, “I thought you’d hate me.”

Know you hate me for flirting with other women.

“I forgive you and I’ll always love you,” Maggie’s eyes filled with tears.

What did I do to deserve you? Go be with Jayne - lucky man.
Her eyes filled with tears. “Xie-xie", Tom,” she said bending down to kiss him on the lips.


Maggie went down to the cargo bay looking for Jayne, but he was no longer there, so she went straight to his bunk.

She knocked on the door but here was no answer. She pushed the door, which was unlocked and let herself in.

Jayne wasn’t there, so Maggie curled up on his bed and closed her eyes, just for five minutes, she told herself.


To be continued…

Next Chapter: There's a Hole in my Heart in the Shape of You

firefly, river, love, oc, maggie, angst, jayne

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