Three More Jaylee Ficlets

Sep 01, 2006 18:00

Title: Lustful / Musk / (k)Nowledge
Author: Jayneswoman
Fandom/Pairing: Firefly: Jayne/Kaylee
Disclaimer: Joss is Boss. I’m just borrowing his characters for fun!!
Prompt Table: 2
Prompt: 070. Hot* / 037. Smell* / 009. Education
Rating: NC17/R / NC17 / PG13
Warnings: Jaylee sexiness ensues.
Word Count: 100 words exactly.
Author's Notes: Yay! I did it: kept to the 100 word limit.

For a Jayne/Kaylee claim at
ficlets100:  table 2.

Previous Chapters here.


Author’s Notes: With the letter L, could I have called this fic anything else?


Kaylee gasps in pleasure as Jayne sucks on the tender skin of her neck.

He nuzzles his way down teasing her gently curving breasts, brushing his lips across her nipples which rise in response. Jayne uses his tongue in ways she couldn’t even imagine, causing desire to pool deep inside. Kaylee groans and lifts her hips towards him.

Jayne gently sucks and kisses his way down her belly, nuzzling her bellybutton, till he reaches her core. Easing her silky thighs apart, he plunges his tongue in, making her moan as he skillfully guides her through wave after wave of pleasure.


Next ficlet: Musk



Jayne wakes, smiling as he sees Kaylee still deep in sleep beside him.

Pressing a soft kiss to her shoulder, he breathes in the peach scent which lingers on her skin. He runs his hand down her silky arm.

Yawning and stretching, he pulls himself up to his full height.

He gathers his things and leaves for a shower.

Kaylee sighs and snuggles deeper into the pillow as she slowly wakens, breathing in the scent of him.

Jayne comes back freshly showered and musky.

She throws her arms around him.

“Ya smell good,” she coos.

“Ya too,” he murmurs softly.


Next ficlet: (k)Nowledge



Jayne hands Kaylee a gun.

“This here’s Grace an’ I got Betty. Gonna learn ya how ta handle a gun.”

Kaylee gulps and nods, trying to swallow her fear.

Jayne notices her trembling and reaches out to calm her.

“Got no need ta be scared,” he explains, running his hand slowly up and down her back, “Ma girls, ya handle ‘em right an’ they’ll look after ya.”

Kaylee takes a deep breath.

“Jus’ do what I do, Kaylee girl.”

Jayne dismantles his gun in quick easy strokes.

He smiles at her look of intense concentration, struggling to copy each movement.


Next ficlet: Object

kaylee/jayne, ficlet, kaylee, jayne, firefly, ficlets100, jaylee, prompt table

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