Firefly - Prompt 20: Mustard - Old Home Remedies

Aug 08, 2006 14:05

Title: Old Home Remedies
Author: Jayneswoman
Fandom/Pairing: Firefly: Jayne/Kaylee
Disclaimer: Joss is Boss. I’m just borrowing his characters for fun!!
Prompt Table: 1
Prompt: 020. Mustard*
Rating: PG13
Warnings: Full of Jayleeness.
Word Count: 525
Author’s Notes: Jayne need some nursing and Kaylee is happy to oblige

Prompt table 1 from

Previous parts here.


Kaylee hung around the infirmary, nervously waiting for any improvement in the patient.

“What he really needs is to be somewhere warm and wet, to ease his breathing,” Simon explained, “It’s the only thing that will make him feel better.”

“How about the showers?” Kaylee suggested, “We could turn the hot water on and close the door. It would get real steamy in there. Just how we used to cure the croup in ma younger brothers an’ sisters.”

“That’s brilliant, Kaylee. Let’s get him over there.”

“Think we might need some help. He’s real heavy,” she joked.


Jayne was burning up when Kaylee woke after their night of passion. At first she panicked. How could this happen after the amazing night they spent together? Then she pulled herself together. Things needed to be done, and if she didn’t do them, no one else would.

She pulled off the bedclothes to cool him down, and then remembered how her Mama used to wipe a cool cloth over their skin to bring down a high fever.

She put on Jayne’s discarded t-shirt and ran a bowl of cool water. She was soon wiping him down, but he was still gripped with fever, so she decided to go and get the Doc.

Kaylee quickly pulled on her overalls then noticed that Jayne was shivering, so she drew the bedclothes back over him before running to fetch Simon.

The Doc took one look at Jayne before calling for help to move him to the infirmary.


Kaylee turned the shower on full blast, letting the steam fill the room.

Almost immediately, his wheezing started to ease, and his breathing became less laboured.

She sat on the floor and moved his head into her lap. She ran her fingers gently through his hair.

“Ya said it was just a bitty cold, Jayne. Weren’t supposed ta turn into bronchitis.”

Jayne moaned and snuggled his cheek against her soft hand.

She sighed, “Ya gotta git better. We’ve only just found each other, admitted how we feel. Don’t know what I’d do here without ya.”

Tear began to fall down her cheeks.

Jayne’s eyes opened, his hand caressing her cheek. “Shhhh, Kaylee girl, don’t worry none. My Ma just uses a mustard plaster, gets me better right away. Just ask the Doc.”


Kaylee was soon back with a bandage, and a bowl of mustard poultice.

Her fingers trembled as she helped him slip his t-shirt off.

“Put it on now, Kaylee girl.”

She spread the foul smelling mustard concoction across his upper chest and neck, just like the Doc told her. Then she placed the bandages on top.

Jayne hissed as the mustard plaster began working, the heat easing the congestion, sweating out the infection and opening up his airways again, just like the steam from the showers was doing.

“Ya ‘kay, Jayne? Ya need me ta git Simon?”

“Naw, Kaylee girl, just stay here with me, an’ stroke ma hair like ya did before. Makes me feel all kindsa better, that does.” Jayne smiled weakly.

“‘Kay, bao-bei, I’ll stay.” She pressed a gentle kiss to his forehead, as Jayne relaxed into her caresses.


To be continued...

Next Chapter:

kaylee/jayne, firefly, kaylee, prompts, jaylee, 25_foods, jayne

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